As our friends and clients know, every year at around this time we try our best to come up with a gift that is useful and usable, sustainable and beautiful. We’ve had beer, a beautiful glass water bottle, a game, and inspirational quotes atop a wooden base.
We’ve designed and made gifts from scratch ourselves some years, and designed and ordered the gifts in others.
Our criteria are simple; the gift MUST be useful and usable, sustainable, and beautiful.
This year, the gift we gave went overboard with useful and no, it was never meant to be a joke about how we’re a bunch of tools.
We gave our friends and clients a multitool with a dozen tools and hundreds of uses, because it’s just like us – we aren’t focused on a single task or specialisation, we do a little (or a lot) of everything, and although we might be small, we’re super useful.
We didn’t give an earth mover or excavator; an enormous, heavy tool that does only one or two things – no we wanted to give a good-looking and all-round set of tools for jobs small and even large if that’s all you have at hand.

You won’t rewire a house with this multitool, but in an awkward moment, it will do the job better than your bare hands could if you need to grip, cut, saw, unscrew or somehow bodge something.

We hope our clients will keep it in their desk or bag, and that they will be surprised how often this trusty little friend will be just what they need for the job.
And that’s a very roundabout way of thanking our clients for trusting us with the job.
And, we think our Systematool been quite the hit already 🙂