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We recently shared the ins and outs of the two Business Digitalization Schemes In Malta in 2024.

But there’s more.

Business Development & Transformation

If you want to build a business, or transform an existing one, Malta Enterprise is running a scheme called Business Development which offers a maximum support of €300,000 for a Single Undertaking over 3 years, covering up to 75% of eligible costs.

In brief, the Business Development Scheme aims to support value-added projects such as new business initiatives, start-ups, expansions, and transformation activities that contribute to regional development in Malta.

Supported projects are expected to create new business opportunities, generate skilled and highly-skilled employment, increase competitiveness, and expand market reach.

There is a large variety of eligible projects and undertakings; the ones that fall within our area of focus at Systemato are those under the Business Re-engineering and Digital Transformation grouping, specifically, the conducting of reviews of business processes and re-engineering projects to enhance the use of digital technology.

As to eligible expenses, Malta Enterprise lists the procurement of software solutions, and recurring licenses and service costs, for up to two years.

Read more about Malta Enterprise’s Business Development Scheme

Digital Marketing funding support for internationalisation

Meanwhile, if you have a taste for going international, Trade Malta is running its Digital Marketing scheme

Through this scheme, eligible companies can apply for co-financing of direct expenses for international digital marketing carried out within a given calendar year to promote their products or services in specified foreign markets.

Measures eligible for funding support under the Digital Marketing schedule of the scheme include:

  1. Direct advertising on major search engines (such as Google Ads or Bing Ads) targeting international markets.
  2. Direct advertising on major social media platforms (such as LinkedIn or Facebook) targeting international markets.
  3. Advertising on other online platforms with direct digital advertising capabilities.
  4. Digital design costs (visuals, graphics, etc.) for the marketing campaign.

In addition, under the Market Preparedness and Development schedule, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) costs required to increase visibility in target markets and so as to implement an Export Business Development Plan are also covered.

Read more about Trade Malta’s Digital Marketing Scheme

Regardless of where your next project lies, whether it’s a brand new business, or expanding to sell more on the international scale, contact us below, to see how we can help, and how the available schemes can support too.

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Mark Debono

Author Mark Debono

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